Edmonton Needs a private tree bylaw
ERVCC is advocating for a private tree bylaw. Nature Canada’s Tree Equity program notes we must incentivize tree planting on private land. Since a large part of the urban tree canopy is not found on public land, cities need to encourage private landowners to pitch in.The Zoning Bylaw landscaping requirements in Edmonton are not adequate to ensure private land contributes adequately to Edmonton’s urban tree canopy. When infil occurs in Edmonton, properties are sometimes completely denuded and new landscaping is inadequate.
ERVCC wrote this letter to decision makers outlining the issues. ERVCC noted many groups were keen to sign-on to our letter. Hopefully with more time and effort we can bring the decision makers onboard. Please contact ERVCC if you would like to help with our campaign for a private tree bylaw.
Shrubscriber and Nature Alberta were also key supporters of a private tree bylaw. Scrubscriber has done good work on the urban tree canopy and the heat island effect. Watch his U tube here. Taproot Edmonton has also done a tight summary of the issues here.
Dustin Bajer supplied
As we work towards a private tree bylaw we can also support programs for tree planting in our city. Sadly none really help with private trees.
Here are the links to current City of Edmonton programs:
The city is currently updating its Urban Forestry Management plan. Sadly they seem afraid of the best practices other cities use. Private Tree Bylaws are shown to be a strong tool.